About Me

My photo
Vidor, Texas, United States
46 year old female, married. Love to scrapbook, since 2002. Love all sorts of music. Love to read mystery novels. Watch way too much TV, not enough movies. Love my huge family. Have great friends I call family. Enjoy life.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Day 3 - 30 days of truth

 Something you have to forgive yourself for.
So many things… I think the most important thing for me to forgive myself for is all of the times that I "fell off the wagon" in my weight loss journey… a lifetime journey. I just have to remember that I can always start over… if I make an unhealthy choice, I can always decide to start over. I only have to make it through 24 hours… even an hour at a time, that is all I have to do… just make it through the next hour!!